1. 盈健醫療集團有限公司或其子公司或集團旗下品牌(下稱「盈健醫療」)承諾就有關收集, 處理及保存個人資料符合及遵守香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》及其他適用的法例及法規的規定,保障資料當事人的私隱。
2. 盈健醫療可不定時就本聲明作出適當的修改,更新,更改或添加。任何修訂後的聲明將在我們網站內公佈,恕不另行通知。
3. 透過瀏覽及使用本網站或流動應用程式,即表示資料當事人同意本聲明所載的條款及條件。
4. 如本聲明的中文版本與其英文版本有任何差異, 應以英文版本爲準。
5. 「個人資料」一詞,不論於本聲明何處提及,包括以下類別的資料:
a. 盈健醫療就提供服務、產品和設施時所收集或持有的所有資料中,有關資料當事人的資料如下(包括任何下列資料之更新):
i. 全名;
ii. 出生日期;
iii. 香港身份證號碼/護照號碼;
iv. 性別;
v. 通訊地址及/或住址;
vi. 電郵地址;
vii. 電話號碼;
viii. 傳真號碼;
ix. 以下 ‘Cookies, 域名和IP地址’ 內所提及的資料;及
b. 在正常業務上延續盈健醫療與資料當事人關係過程中從資料當事人收集的其他資料。
Cookies, 域名和IP地址
6. 資料當事人到訪我們流動應用程式或網站時,將會記錄其到訪,除另有訂名,此流動應用程式或網站不會收集任何個人身份信息(即有關且能識別資料當事人的信息)。此流動應用程式或網站任何部分所用的Cookies(如有)不會作收集個人身份信息的用途。「Cookies」乃載有小量資料的檔案,可儲存於訪客本身電腦以取得配置信息及分析網站訪客的瀏覽習慣。Cookies 可為訪客省略登記再次到訪的網站,並普遍用於就網站的主題追蹤你的喜好。如資料當事人想禁用Cookies,可更改相關的網路選項或電腦系統的瀏覽喜好,然而更改後可能不能應用或啟動我們網站的某些部分。
7. 資料當事人在使用盈健醫療的服務、產品和設施時,必需向盈健醫療提供有關您的個人資料; 否則可能會導致盈健醫療無法為閣下提供服務、產品和設施。
8. 資料當事人之資料的用途將視乎其與盈健醫療的關係性質而有所不同,其中包括以下用途:
a. 提供醫療或保健服務之用;
b. 評估資料當事人作為盈健醫療的服務、產品及設施的實際或潛在用戶的好處和合適性;
c. 進行統計和數據分析;
d. 與資料當事人或其授權人聯絡;
e. 讓盈健醫療確保其能順利向資料當事人提供服務、產品及設施,並改善、優化及配置提供予資料當事人的服務;
f. 進行研究調查和/或設計和/或實行盈健醫療有關的服務、產品及設施;
g. 就任何非法行為進行調查或查詢;
h. 為符合或預期需遵守根據下述適用於盈健醫療之責任、規定、安排或程序:
i. 在香港特別行政區(「香港」)之已存在、現有或將來對其具約束力或適用於其的任何法律;
ii. 任何法定、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機構,或自律監管或行業的團體現有或將來所發出或提供之任何指引或指導;及
iii. 任何盈健醫療與其代理人、代表、承辦商、合作夥伴或其他與盈健醫療簽訂合約的第三者現有或將來之任何合約承諾或其他承諾;
i. 經資料當事人同意的其他用途;及
j. 與任何上述第(a)至(i)段有聯繫、有附帶性或有關的用途。
9. 盈健醫療會對其持有的資料當事人資料保密,盈健醫療不會在沒有得到資料當事人書面同意的情況下提供及披露(如私隱條例所定義)該等個人資料予任何第三方,除以下各單位外:
a. 盈健醫療的其他成員公司或品牌;
b. 任何與盈健醫療的業務營運有關且對盈健醫療有保密義務的合作夥伴,如保險公司、醫療卡管理公司、代理人、承包商及第三方服務供應商;及
c. 盈健醫療在根據對其本身具約束力或適用的法例規定下之責任或其他原因而必須向該人作出披露,或按照及為實施由任何法定、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機構或自律監管或行業團體所提供或發出的指引或指導預期需向該人作出披露。
10. 所有已收集的個人資料將被儲存在盈健醫療安全的伺服器以防止任何未經授權的或意外的查閱,處理或刪除。
11. 為致力保障資料安全,盈健醫療採取適當實際性的、技術性的以及管理性的措施,以保障資料當事人的個人資料安全。
12. 盈健醫療將採取實際可行步驟,確保不會保留客戶的個人資料超過必需的時間,而盈健醫療亦會遵守香港一切有關保存個人身分資料的法例及監管規定。
13. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,資料當事人有權查閱及更改其個人資料。 請循以下途徑聯絡我們的資料保障主任。
傳真:(852) 2312 2772
Privacy Policy Statement (the “Statement”)
1. Human Health Holdings Limited or its subsidiaries or the brands of the group (“Human Health”) is committed to protect your privacy and will at all times observe the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486, Laws of Hong Kong) and other applicable rules and regulations in the collection, use and maintenance of your personal data.
2. Human Health may amend, update, vary or add to this Statement from time to time without any prior notice as necessary and any revised Statement will be published on our web site(s).
3. By accessing and using this web site and any of its pages or mobile application, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out herein.
4. If there is any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of this Statement, the English version shall prevail.
Type of Personal Data
5. The term “personal data”, wherever mentioned in this Statement, includes the following kind of information:-
a. All the data which may be collected or held by Human Health from time to time in connection with the provision of our services, products and facilities, the following data relating to a data subject (including any updated data of any of the following data):
i. full name;
ii. date of birth;
iii. HKID number / passport number;
iv. gender;
v. correspondence address and/or residential address;
vi. e-mail address;
vii. telephone number;
viii. fax number;
ix. information as referred to in the paragraphs below under ‘Cookies, Domain Names and IP Addresses; and
b. Other data collected from data subjects in the ordinary course of the continuation of the relationship between Human Health and data subjects.
Cookies, Domain Names and IP Addresses
6. When you visit our web site(s), we may record your visit only and will not collect any personally identifiable information (i.e. information that is about you and identifies you) from you unless otherwise stated. Cookies used (if any) in any part of our web site(s) will not be deployed for collecting personally identifiable information. For your information, Cookies are small computer files that can be stored in web surfers' computers for the purposes of obtaining configuration information and analysing web surfers' viewing habits. They can save you from registering again when re-visiting a web site and are commonly used to track your preferences in relation to the subject matter of the web site. You may refuse to accept Cookies (by modifying the relevant internet options or browsing preferences of your computer system), but to do so you may not be able to utilize or activate certain available functions in our web site(s).
Collection of Personal Data
7. It is necessary for the data subjects to supply Human Health with personal data in connection with the provision of our services, products and facilities, failure to supply such personal data may result in Human Health being unable to provide our services and products and facilities to you.
Purposes of Use of Personal Data Collected
8. The purposes for which the personal data relating to the data subjects may be used will vary depending on the nature of the data subjects' relationship with Human Health, they may include the following :
a. providing medical or health care services to you;
b. assessing the merits and suitability of the data subjects as actual or potential applicants for our services, products and facilities;
c. conducting statistical and data analysis;
d. communicating with data subjects or its authorised representative(s);
e. enabling Human Health to ensure smooth operation of the products, services and facilities provided to the data subjects, and to improve, optimize and configure the services for the data subjects;
f. researching and/or designing and/or implementing Human Health related services, products and facilities;
g. performing investigation or inquiry of any illegal conduct;
h. complying with obligations, requirements, arrangements or procedures that apply to Human Health or that it is expected to comply according to:
i. any law binding or applying to it within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) existing currently and in the future;
ii. any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies within Hong Kong existing currently and in the future; and
iii. any contractual obligations or other commitment applying to it under any contractual arrangement Human Health has with its agent, representative, contractor, business partner or other third party which Human Health has entered into a contractual relationship with;
i. other purposes with data subjects’ consent; and
j. purposes incidental, associated or relating to any of the above items (a) to (i).
Transfer of Personal Data Collected
9. Personal data held by Human Health relating to data subjects will be kept confidential and Human Health will not provide and disclose (as defined in the Ordinance) such personal data to any third parties without the written consent from the data subject except to
a. Members or the brands of Human Health;
b. Any contractual partners with Human Health such as insurance companies, medical card administrators, agents, contractors, third party service providers in connection with the operation of our business who are under the same duty of confidentiality to Human Health; and
c. any party to whom Human Health is under an obligation or otherwise required to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding, or any disclosure under and for the purposes of any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies with which Human Health is expected to comply.
Storage of Personal Data and Security
10. All personal data collected from data subjects will be stored in secure servers of Human Health in order to prevent any unauthorized or accidental access, processing or erasure.
11. Human Health maintains this commitment to data security by implementing appropriate physical, electronic and managerial measures to safeguard and secure personal data.
12. Human Health will take all practical steps to ensure that personal data will not be kept longer than necessary and Human Health will comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements of Hong Kong concerning the retention of personal data.
Rights of Access or Correction of Personal Data
13. According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you are entitled to access and correct your personal data held by us. Please contact our Data Protection Officer with the following means.
Name : Data Protection Officer
Email : data-protection@humanhealth.com.hk
Fax : (852) 2312 2772
Address : 12th Floor, Enterprise Square Two, 3 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong