1. 「昇康滙 Healthy Square」(盈健醫療旗下品牌)會請您提供您的個人資料作為a) 閣下提供「昇康滙 Healthy Square」之各項服務、產品及設施、處理有關使用服務之登記及預約事宜;b)監控「昇康滙 Healthy Square」網站之運作及協助「昇康滙 Healthy Square」網站之未來發展;c)進行統計和數據分析;d)與資料當事人或其授權人聯絡;e)讓「昇康滙 Healthy Square」確保其能順利向資料當事人提供服務、產品及設施,並改善、優化及配置提供予資料當事人的服務;f)進行研究調查和/或設計和/或實行「昇康滙 Healthy Square」有關的服務、產品及設施;g)就任何非法行為進行調查或查詢;h)為符合或預期需遵守根據下述適用於「健滙牙科」之責任、規定、安排或程序(包括1)在香港特別行政區(「香港」)之已存在、現有或將來對其具約束力或適用於其的任何法律;2)任何法定、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機構,或自律監管或行業的團體現有或將來所發出或提供之任何指引或指導;及3)任何盈健醫療與其代理人、代表、承辦商、合作夥伴或其他與盈健醫療簽訂合約的第三者現有或將來之任何合約承諾或其他承諾);i)經資料當事人同意的其他用途;及j)與任何上述第(a)至(i)段有聯繫、有附帶性或有關的用途。
2. 如您未能提供該等資料,「昇康滙 Healthy Square」未必可以向您提供服務。請確保您向「昇康滙 Healthy Square」提供的個人資料是準確及完整。若我們獲得的資料是錯誤或不完整,我們可能未能為您提供合適的服務。
3. 「昇康滙 Healthy Square」會按《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)及其他適用的法例及法規內所述之準則和規範,對您的資料採取切實可行的步驟確保個人資料的保密,同時確保依從保安及保密方面的嚴格規定,禁止有關資料在未獲您的同意前或意外地被查閱、删除、轉移及處理。
4. 「昇康滙 Healthy Square」可能會披露或轉移您的個人資料到a)盈健醫療的其他成員公司或品牌;b)與盈健醫療的業務營運有關且對盈健醫療有保密義務的合作夥伴,如保險公司、醫療卡管理公司、代理人、承包商及第三方服務供應商;或c)在根據對其本身具約束力或適用的法例規定下之責任或其他原因而必須向該人作出披露,或按照及為實施由任何法定、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機構或自律監管或行業團體所提供或發出的指引或指導預期需向該人作出披露。有關「健滙眼科」之私隱政策聲明,請參閱本文件的以下部分或瀏覽「昇康滙 Healthy Square」網站:https://www.healthysquare.com.hk/privacy。
5. 您有權查閱或者修改您的個人資料,請以書面通知盈健醫療的保障資料主任(地址為香港九龍九龍灣常悅道3號企業廣場2期12樓)或電郵至data-protection@humanhealth.com.hk或傳真至(852) 2312 2772
Personal Information Collection Statement
Please read this statement before you provide any personal information to Human Health Holdings Limited or its subsidiaries or the brands of the group ("Human Health").
1. 「Healthy Square」 (a brand under Human Health) will ask you to provide your personal information for the purpose of a) To provide various services, products, and facilities offered by「Healthy Square」, handle registration and appointment matters related to the use of services; b) monitoring use of the website of 「Healthy Square」and for further development; c) conducting statistical and data analysis; d) To communicate with the data subject or their authorized person, facilitate communication between users and「Healthy Square」; e) communicating with data subjects or its authorised representative(s); f) researching and/or designing and/or implementing「Healthy Square」related services,products and facilities; g) performing investigation or inquiry of any illegal conduct; h) complying with obligations, requirements, arrangements or procedures that apply to「Healthy Square」or that it is expected to comply according to (1) any law binding or applying to it within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) existing currently and in the future; 2) any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal,regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies within Hong Kong existing currently and in the future; and 3) any contractual obligations or other commitment applying to it under any contractual arrangement Human Health has with its agent,representative, contractor, business partner or other third party which Human Health has entered into a contractual relationship with); i) other purposes with data subjects’ consent; and j) purposes incidental, associated or relating to any of the above items (a) to (i).
2. If you cannot provide those information, we may not be able to provide our services to you. When you provide personal information to us, please make sure that the information is accurate and complete. If the information provided is inaccurate or incomplete, we may not be able to provide appropriate services to you.
3. For compliance to the guidelines and requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) and other applicable rules and regulations,「Healthy Square」adopts all practical steps to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data, while ensuring compliance with stringent security and confidentiality requirements to avoid those relevant data being accessed, erased, transferred or processed accidentally or without your prior consent.
4.「Healthy Square」may disclose or transfer your personal data to a) other members or brands of Human Health; b) any contractual partners with Human Health such as insurance companies, medical card administrators, agents, contractors, third party service providers in connection with the operation of our business who are under the same duty of confidentiality to Human Health; or c) any party to whom Human Health is under an obligation or otherwise required to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding, or any disclosure under and for the purposes of any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies with which Human Health is expected to comply. For details of「Healthy Square」privacy policy statement, please visit「Healthy Square」website at https://www.healthysquare.com.hk/privacy.
5. You have the right to access or correct your personal information, please send your written request to our Data Protection Officer by post at 12th Floor, Enterprise Square Two, 3 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong or by email at data-protection@humanhealth.com.hk or by fax at (852) 2312 2772.